Thursday, 31 March 2011

Hello and Welcome

So-called 'portfolio' careers are all very well, but what happens when you want to blog about all the different things that are going on at the same time? All the exciting new books you are publishing, great authors you are working with and brilliant festivals you're helping out at? I suppose I could have three (or more) different blogs but I've kind of tried that and it's too much of a faff (technical term) so this is my solution. The Hub. It means I can write about The Self-Publishing Advice Service on one day, AdLib Books the next, and The Brighton Book Festival the day after - or even all three on the same day if I like! And I can also chuck in all the smaller projects that might be of some interest or use to someone, somewhere out there without worrying that it's muddling the blog.
So this is my Book Hub. You are very welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Hello to you too. It's lovely to have you back :) And don't talk to me about keeping different blogs going at the same time... x
